“I’d like to share something on transparency. SGM put this as a key pillar and I hope they are looking into being transparent on procurement policies, tender processes, financial and accounting procedures and management selection. I’d like to just zoom into one topic which I believe is dear to our members’ heart. The topic is on membership and AGM (Annual General Meeting).

“我想分享我对透明度的看法。 SGM 注重透明度我也希望他们也能朝向这透明度在采购政策,招标程序, 财务和会计程序和管理制度上做到。 我也想放大让大家注重的学会里年度总会。

(English text after Chinese text)

在一个独资在独资业务中,合伙人自己提供了自己的实收资本。 他们经营自己的业务,他们之间如何分配利润取决于他们,因为是他们的努力和自己的资本。在上市公司里,管理公司的管理层对股东负责,因为是股东分得资本,以换取公司的股份。 在这些公开上市公司的年度股东大会上,每个股东都被邀请参加,即使你只拥有公司的一个股份。 经审核账目连同核数师报告已提交股东。 股东可以自由地向该公司的账目和财务状况提出问题。 股东也拥有权力投票,并在年度股东大会上向公司询问公司的计划和前景。

SGM是一个非营利和宗教组织。 这不是一个独资企业。 理事长和6人组成的中央委员会会员不是唯一分配自己的实收资本来管理组织的人。 事实上,“资本”是由会友贡献的。 这样,会友就像是上市公司的股东。 因此,会友应该能够参加年度总会的会议,总会上也应播放帐户给会友讨论。 会友们还应该能够在年度总会上在财务事项提出问题。 

不幸的是,今天的局面不是这样。 从SGM的宪法角度来看,会友辛苦赚来供养的钱才被认为是组织里的好人。 我们也被称叫游客。 组织里的成员资格是基于选择和别人的建议。 即使您是合格的会友(称附属会员;附属会员通常是会议场所的贡献者),您也无权投票或参加年度总会。 年度总会是由所谓的正式会员参加的。 那如何成为正式会员? 首先,您必须成为准附属会员,然后通过中央委员会(最高权限)的推荐和最终批准,您才能将被指定为正式会员。 中央委员会拥有权力拒绝任何正式会员的申请,无需指定的任何理由。 

这就是问题所在。 大多数正式成员是NSM时代的成员。 NSM是Nichiren Soshu Malaysia,在SGM成立之前的原名。 这些成员现在可能是乐龄人士了(60岁或以上)。 有些不再活跃于学会活动了。 多年来,正式会员的选择只适用于精英家,还有SGM领导人喜欢的人。 有多少目前是正式会员的参加了年度总会? 他们中有多少人能够看到组织里的财务状况和最佳利益? 今天,正式会员几乎没有青年部的代表。 这在未来的含义是什么? SGM是否考虑改变这种基本的组织结构? 这是人离开的原因之一。

如果SGM想要实行透明度,那么对所有贡献的成员,而不仅仅是完全成员透明。 我知道我们现在委任一个专业的外部审计师公司。 邀请我们所有人年度总会上听取审计师的意见。 如果审计师的结论只是能让高层领导和正式会员知道而已,这仍然被认为是透明的吗? 还是只是为了表明SGM已经采取了行动? 我们离下一年的年度总会还有一年的时间。 有足够的时间来实现这一点。 如果SGM是真诚的,那么就需要以对话解决这个根本性差距。”


“I’d like to share something on transparency. SGM put this as a key pillar and I hope they are looking into being transparent on procurement policies, tender processes, financial and accounting procedures and management selection. I’d like to just zoom into one topic which I believe is dear to our members’ heart. The topic is on membership and AGM (Annual General Meeting). 

In a sole proprietorship business, the partners put up their own paid-up capital. They run their business and how they divide the profit among themselves is up to them, because it’s their effort and their own capital. In public listed companies, the management running the company is answerable to the shareholders, because it was the shareholders who forked out the capital, in return for shares-holding in the company. During the annual AGM of these public listed companies, every share holders are invited to attend, even if you owned just one share of the company. The audited accounts together with the auditors report are tabled to the shareholders. Shareholders are free to ask questions on the accounts and financial standing of the company. And shareholders have rights to vote and ask about the plan and prospect of the company during AGM.

SGM is a non-profit and religious organisation. It is not a sole proprietorship. GD and the 6-man ECC are not the only people who fork out their own paid up capital to run the organization. In fact, the “capital” are contributed by members. In this way, the members are like shareholders of a public listed company. As such, members should be able to attend AGM meetings where the accounts are being tabled to the members for discussion. The members should also be able to ask questions on the financial matter during the AGM.

Unfortunately, that is not the case today. From SGM’s Constitution point of view, the members who have contributed our hard earned money are considered well-wishers of the organisation. And we are also called visitors. Legal membership of the organisation are base on selection and recommendation. Even if you are a legal member (known as Associate Members in the Constitution; Associate Members are usually venue contributors), you have no rights to vote nor attend AGM. AGM are attended by what is called Full Members. How do you become a Full Member? First, you have to become Associate Member, then through recommendation and final approval from ECC (highest level of authority), you will be appointed as Full Member. ECC has the discretion to reject any Full Member applications without assigning any reason thereof. 

This is where the problem lies. Majority of Full Members are people who were members from NSM times. NSM was Nichiren Soshu Malaysia, the original name of our society before SGM was incorporated. These members are probably senior citizens (60 years or above) by now. Some are not active anymore. Over the years, the selection of Full Members is only for the elitists, for people favoured by SGM leaders. How many of the current Full Members attend AGM? How many of them are able to look at the financial health and the best interest of the organisation? There is hardly any youth representative in Full Members today. What is the implication of this in the future? Is SGM looking into changing this fundamental organisation structure? This is one of the reasons people left in frustrations. 

If SGM wanted to practice transparency, then be transparent to all members who contributed, not just the Full Members. I understand that we have now appointed a professional external auditor firm. Invite all of us to the AGM to listen to the auditors. If the auditors’ findings are only for the eyes of the top leaders and Full Members, is this still considered transparent? Or is it just for show that SGM has taken actions? We have one more year to go before the next AGM. There is enough time to implement this. If SGM is sincere, then the dialogue and communication on this fundamental gap need to be addressed.

Sharing from a reader who wished to remain anonymous. We are glad to see people chipping in. Please continue to do so. We need more contributors, voices from the grass roots, especially if you can write in Mandarin. Thanking you all in advance.